Woman Escapes Blaze Through Window

A woman has been treated for leg injuries after jumping from a flat window to escape a fire.

Published 21st Nov 2014

A woman has been treated for leg injuries after jumping from a flat window to escape a fire.

Emergency services were called to the blaze in the roof of a three-storey building in Morgan Street, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, around 3.30am today.

By the time they arrived the woman had already jumped from a window and was treated by paramedics before being taken to hospital as a precaution.

Firefighters extinguished the flames with two high pressure jets and a search of the block of flats found everyone accounted for.

A spokesman for the fire service said: "Crews were mobilised from Hamilton and Motherwell with the first of four appliances arriving around five minutes later.

"The casualty had exited the building by jumping from a window. She received treatment for leg injuries from ambulance personnel at the scene before being taken to hospital as a precaution.

"Firefighters in breathing apparatus searched the building and confirmed all persons were accounted for, using two high pressure water jets to extinguish the fire.

"Crews conducted salvage operations within the flats and removed loose tiles from the roof of the building before handing the scene over to police around 7:15am."

Meanwhile, a man was treated for smoke inhalation in Edinburgh after extinguishing a kitchen fire.

Firefighters were called to the scene but found the incident had been dealt with when they arrived. They checked the area was safe and gave oxygen to the man who had put out the flames before paramedics arrived.

A service spokeswoman said: "Many kitchen fires happen when people are not paying attention or they leave things unattended but there are several things you can do to prevent fires in the kitchen.

"Don't leave pans unattended. Take them off the heat if you have to leave the room. Fire starts when your attention stops. When you have finished cooking, make sure the cooker or oven is turned off.

"The kitchen can be the most dangerous place in the home. Fire can cause damage not just to your property, but more seriously can put family at risk."