Witness tells Surjit Singh Chhokar she saw accused put something in his jacket pocket

A witness has told a jury she saw murder accused Ronnie Coulter putting something in the inside pocket of his jacket.

Published 20th Sep 2016

A witness has told a jury she saw murder accused Ronnie Coulter putting something in the inside pocket of his jacket.

Amelia Clark, 54, from Wishaw, told the court that as she watched Coulter zip up his jacket she heard a woman screaming hysterically: “He's been stabbed. He's been stabbed. Phone the police.”

She was giving evidence at the trial Coulter, 48, from Wishaw, who denies murdering Surjit Singh Chhokar – who was known by everyone as Chhokar - in Garrion Street, Overtown, North Lanarkshire Mr Chhokar on November 4, 1998 by stabbing him.

The jury at the High Court in Glasgow heard that Mrs Clark only came forward with her evidence in May 27, 2015 – almost 17 years after Chhokar's death.

Mrs Clark, 54, whose son Derek Clark is serving 15 years for attempting to murder Ronnie Coulter's mother Mary Coulter, denied that she was doing this for revenge.

Mrs Clark: replied: “I didn't want to get involved,. I didn't want anything to do with it.” and said that was why had not told the police what she allegedly saw more than 17 years ago.

She told the court that she was in bed on November 4, 1998, when she heard the sound of running footsteps and then Chhokar's partner Elizabeth Bryce shouting: “Leave hime alone.”

Mrs Clark said that she got out of bed and looked out her window without putting on the light.

She said she saw Andrew Coulter standing alone at the end of the street and Ronnie Coulter and David Montgomery together.

Prosecutor Alex Prentice QC said: “What did Ronnie Coulter and David Montgomery do,” and she replied: “They got to the end of the road and stopped and Ronnie lifted his hands. There was a street light. He turned and put something in his jacket.

“He zipped his jacket up and then he walked towards Main Street. As I was watching him I heard hysterical screaming “He's been stabbed, he's been stabbed.”

When asked who was screaming she replied: “Elizabeth Bryce.”

Mr Prentice asked: “Did you see anything in his hands,” and Mrs Clark replied: “No, I didn't.”

She told the court that she dialled 999.

Referring to Mrs Clark's son conviction Mr Prentice asked her: “The injury to Mrs Coulter was a very, very serious injury,” and she replied: “Yes.”

Mr Prentice then said: “It was a significant blow to the face which resulted in disfigurement and life-threatening injuries.,” and Mrs Clark replied: “Yes sir.

The prosecutor then added: “Has that anything to do with your evidence,” and she stated: “No. It has nothing to do with it.”

Under cross-examination by Donald Findlay QC he said: “This time you say you are telling the truth. This is simply a revenge attack,” and she replied: “Not true sir.”

Mrs Clark was read out details of her son's crime by Mr Findlay and told him: “He deserved to go to prison for what he did.”

Mr Findlay asked Mrs Clark if it was coincidence that she spoke to police after her son was convicted and she replied: “They told me I had to come to court to giver evidence. I said I'll not go on oath and tell lies. I will say what happened.”

Ronnie Coulter has lodged a special defence to the murder charge blaming his nephew Andrew Coulter and David Montgomery.

Both men in evidence denied having anything to do with the killing of Chhokar.

Ronnie Coulter denies all the charges against him.

The trial before judge Lord Matthews continues.