Witness appeal after mass brawl in Ferguslie Park

There is an appeal for dog walkers and workmen, spotted on CCTV in Ferguslie Park as a mass brawl broke out, to come forward.

Published 17th May 2019

There is an appeal for dog walkers and workmen, spotted on CCTV in Ferguslie Park as a mass brawl broke out, to come forward.

The incident started around 2.50am on Thursday in a railway underpass on Ferguslie Park Avenue and left four men requiring hospital treatment for stab wounds.

Detectives say they're still trying to piece together exactly what happened and say the witnesses may hold crucial information.

Detective Inspector Robert Bowie, Paisley Police Office, is leading the enquiry. He said:

“What we know is that there was a disturbance involving up to six men at an underpass in Ferguslie Park Avenue leading Millarston and also between that underpass and Millarston Drive.

“Two of the men, aged 28 and 26 years, managed to make their way to a nearby petrol station where police and ambulance were called. Both had sustained knife wounds during the incident.

“A police dog then managed to trace a blood spill and a further two injured men, aged 20 and 18 years, were found injured at separate nearby addresses.

“We are still trying to trace the last two men involved. No one else has come forward, however, it’s possible that they too could have been injured and we need to make sure they are ok.

“Why this disturbance took place has still to be established and so with in mind we need people to contact us with information.

“On checking CCTV, three people can be seen in the area at the time. Two people walking a white dog and a man in a works van, a small white box van with chevrons on the rear.

“I have no doubt that they would have seen what happened and would encourage them to contact police as what they saw could be pivotal to our enquiries. If for any reason they have concerns about contacting police direct, they can call Crimestoppers in confidence.”

Information can be passed to Paisley Police Office via 101. Please quote reference number 0292 of 16 May 2019. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted in confidence on 0800 555 111.