Wishaw man jailed for Facebook feud stabbing

Stabbing happened after a falling out on the social network.

Published 20th Jun 2016

A thug who stabbed a man, leaving him fighting for his life after becoming involved in a Facebook feud, has been jailed for four years.

At the High Court in Glasgow Stewart Campbell, 25, of 6 The Roundell, Wishaw, admitted knifing Daniel Nolan to the danger of his life at Beechwood Crescent, Wishaw, on December 13, 2014, under provocation.

Campbell was originally charged with attempted murder, but the Crown accepted his plea to the lesser charge.

Sentencing Campbell judge Lady Scott told him: “You have pled guilty to stabbing your victim to the danger of his life. That danger to life was real. I accept there was provocation. Your victim started the fight and first stabbed you, but you lashed out at him.

“At 25 you have a criminal record which suggests you are a public nuisance.”

Advocate depute Mark McGuire, prosecuting, said: “Mr Nolan, his sister Natalie Nolan and a man, believed to be her boyfriend, attended at Beechwood Crescent at approximately noon as a result of an argument that had taken place on Facebook. This argument was between Natalie Nolan and the accused's then girlfriend Amy Townsley.

“There had been a long-running feud between the two women and a fight ensued between the women.”

The court was told that during this fight Mr Nolan produced a knife and struck the accused.

Mr McGuire added: “The knife penetrated through the accused's clothing below the left armpit and caused a minor laceration to the accused's torso.”

There was a brief struggle in which Campbell got hold of the knife and after a brief lull he lashed out with it. He stabbed Mr Nolan once in the stomach.”

Mr Nolan and Miss Nolan fled. Minutes later he collapsed and was taken to Wishaw General Hospital.

Doctors there discovered the knife wound had penetrated Mr Nolan's colon and small bowel. His injuries were repaired in theatre and he was placed in a medically-induced coma for 24 hours to aid his recovery.

Prosecutor Mr McGuire said: “Had it not been for the medical intervention, the injuries to Mr Nolan would have proved fatal.”

When Campbell was interviewed by police he told them he had acted in self-defence.. He said Mr Nolan had attacked him with a knife and he had disarmed him. Campbell then told the officers he used Mr Nolan's own knife to stab him.