Wishaw man caught red-handed with counterfeit notes

A DIY moneymaker, from Wishaw, has been caught red-handed with counterfeit £20 notes hot off the press.

Published 3rd Apr 2017
Last updated 3rd Apr 2017

A DIY moneymaker, from Wishaw, has been caught red-handed with counterfeit £20 notes hot off the press.

Thomas Nelson, 21 had 54 sheets of A4 paper with the front and rear of Royal Bank of Scotland notes printed on then.

And nearby police found a printer and scanner.

At the High Court in Glasgow Nelson admitted making counterfeit notes and intending to pass them as genuine.

The offences were committed between May 28 and June 29, last year.

Prosecutor Alan Mackay said: “It was found that the sheets of notes had been produced by using the printer and scanner. The accused Nelson's fingerprints were found on a large number of the sheets.

Nelson also admitted passing a £20 note as genuine in the Snappy Chapati Takeaway in Wishaw on June 26, last year, and threatening staff when the note was declined.

Nelson and co-accused Alexander Cuthbert, 22, from Wishaw, admitted trying to pass a dud £20 in William Hill bookmakers in Manse Road, Wishaw, and at nearby Coral Bookmakers on June 27, last year.

Cuthbert also admitted robbing Ladbrokes Bookmakers in Manse Road, Wishaw on June 28, last year , while armed with an air pistol.

Mr Mackay said: “The incident was captured on CCTV. The accused produced a black handgun which he pointed and shouted: “Put the f***ing money in the bag.”

Cuthbert got away with around £100. When his home was searched by police the air pistol was found in a carrier bag lying on the couch.

Nelson also admitted a number of motoring offences.

Judge Lord Matthews deferred sentence on both accused until May and remanded them in custody.

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