Window panels to be replaced at 11 Clydebank high-rises following Grenfell fire checks

The council says it'll start replacing them 'as soon as possible'

Published 16th Oct 2017

Window panels on 11 high-rise blocks in Clydebank are to be removed, following fire safety checks prompted by the Grenfell Tower fire.

West Dunbartonshire Council commissioned an independent review of 22 properties following the tragedy in London in June this year.

The local authority says although the panels meet fire safety standards, the composition of the material in them 'raised questions'.

They will be removed and replaced with alternative panels 'as soon as possible'.

The indpendent assessor which carried out the review also found the panels themselves "are not in any way similar to those installed in Grenfell.

Housing officers have hand delivered letters to residents in the properties affected:

  • Crescent Court
  • Overtoun Court
  • Dunswin Court
  • Burnside Court
  • Ellinger Court
  • Peel View
  • Gleniffer View
  • Garscadden View
  • Duncombe View
  • Cleddans View
  • Kilbowie Court

Peter Barry, West Dunbartonshire Council’s Strategic Lead for Housing & Employability, said: “Our priority is the safety of our tenants and that is why we took the additional step of commissioning enhanced fire safety assessments.

"By carrying out these checks that are above and beyond what is expected, we have been able to identify an area for improvement in the form of the window panels.

"I want to be clear that the expert is explicit in saying these panels are not the same as the external wall coverings that were fitted at Grenfell. However, we will replace them as quickly as possible to fully reassure the people living in these homes.”

West Dunbartonshire Council leader Jonathan McColl said: “In the wake of Grenfell, everyone - the media, politicians, the public - has been focused on cladding and we remain assured that our cladding is not the same as Grenfell.

"While I am reassured that we have no concerns about our cladding, we want to provide the best possible reassurance to our tenants. Having instructed an expert to carry out extended inspections on these buildings, we are taking further action based on their findings.

“Council, Fire Service and external experts have been working on this from day one following the tragedy and deserve our thanks for their amazing efforts. Local tenant and resident groups have gone to great lengths to work in partnership with us for everyone’s benefit and this community effort is keeping people safe.”

The Council’s Convener of Housing & Communities, Diane Docherty, added: “We have taken our findings to the Scottish Government and we are working on an improved best process for our own flats.

"We have found great value in having these extra tests done, over and above the standard tests being carried out across the UK, and we hope others can learn from what has been highlighted by these independent inspections in West Dunbartonshire.

“While the panels in question, in the assessor’s own words, are not in any way similar to those installed at Grenfell, we agree with the Council officers’ decision to replace them to minimise any possible risk. We are taking no chances and are putting our tenants’ safety first."

The reports’ findings have also been shared with the Scottish Government and West Dunbartonshire Council is recommending that all Councils and Housing Associations with similar properties across Scotland consider independent assessment of the properties.