Police and West Dunbartonshire employers join forces to tackle domestic abuse

The Golden Jubilee Hospital, West of Scotland College Campus in Clydebank, Aggreko and Chivas (Pernod Ricard) are all taking part in the training which will be facilitated by Medics Against Violence.

Author: Colin StonePublished 19th Sep 2018

West Dunbartonshire employers and Police Scotland are joining forces as part of a new campaign focussed on tackling domestic abuse.

The initiative will educate local employers about the harmful behaviours associated with the issue in order to recognise them and raise awareness within the workplace.

Through collaborative working with partners to deliver education, training and the development of duty of care policies, Police Scotland aims to reduce domestic abuse in the area and encourage more people to report it.

The Golden Jubilee Hospital, West of Scotland College Campus in Clydebank, Aggreko and Chivas (Pernod Ricard) are all taking part in the training which will be facilitated by Medics Against Violence.

Representatives from the companies gathered at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel on Wednesday 19 September for the first training day and to mark the launch of the initiative.

Detective Superintendent Calum Young from West Dunbartonshire CID said: “We all have a part to play in tackling this issue and local employers involved in this initiative are helping us send a clear message that there is no place for domestic abuse in West Dunbartonshire.

“Domestic abuse comes in many forms and is not only about physical violence. Controlling behaviour, emotional abuse and intimidation can also be serious factors.

“This programme will provide companies with important information about the different harmful behaviours associated with this issue and how to identify and raise awareness of them. It will also educate employers on recognising signs that someone may be suffering domestic abuse and provide support to anyone in the workplace who requires it.

“This is an excellent opportunity for employers to make a positive impact in their community and we are looking forward to working in partnership with them to tackle domestic abuse.”

Dr Christine Goodall From Medics Against Violence said: “It is very encouraging that the police of West Dunbartonshire are being so proactive in engaging local employers around the issue of domestic abuse.

“Medics Against Violence are delighted to be partnering with them in delivering this training, which we hope will raise awareness of a serious problem which continues to blight our communities."