'Viscous' New Year's Day East Renfrewshire Attack

Published 2nd Jan 2015

Police at Pollok are continuing enquiries after a man was assaulted whilst walking along a street in Barrhead on New Years day.

At around 1200 hrs on 1 January 2015, the 38-year-old man was walking in Arthurlie Street, Barrhead when he was approached from behind, pulled to the ground and repeatedly punched and kicked to the head and face.

A local resident contacted emergency services and the injured man was taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley. Hospital staff describe his condition as stable.

The suspect is described as around 40 years old, 6ft 2 and was wearing a hooded jacket.

Detective Constable Jacqui Carroll at Pollok CID said:

“This was a particularly viscous attack and as yet we have still to establish a motive.

“We are currently viewing CCTV in the area and I’d like to speak to anyone who was in the vicinity of Arthurlie Street at midday on 1 January who either witnessed this attack or perhaps saw the culprit running off.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Pollok CID on telephone number 101. Alternatively calls can be made via CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.