VIDEO: Abandoned Dog Kai Given New Home

Published 4th Feb 2015

A dog abandoned at a railway station with a suitcase full of his belongings has been given a new home.

Kai attracted worldwide attention after he was dumped at Ayr station last month, prompting offers from dog lovers around the globe to take him in.

He was rescued by the Scottish SPCA, and the charity chose Ian Russell, 52, from a list of hundreds to give the shar pei-crossbeed a new start in life.

Mr Russell, a self-employed hydraulic engineer from Newton Mearns in East Renfrewshire, recently lost his pet Dalmatian and said getting Kai was like winning the lottery.

He said: It feels like fate that I've been able to rehome Kai and I'm not usually a believer in things like that. I'm over the moon and very shocked that I was chosen out of everyone who wanted him.

My Dalmatian named Mica passed away just before Christmas and I was left heartbroken. I had her for 15 years and she was the apple of my eye.

When I heard about Kai I knew the little guy needed a break but I never thought in a million years I'd get him. I called the Scottish SPCA just to check he was OK and see if there was anything I could do to help. Fast- forward a few weeks and here I am taking him home. I honestly think it was meant to be.''

Kai was discovered by railway staff on January 2 after an internet sale fell through.

He was tied to a railing and accompanied by a case containing a pillow, toy, food and bowl.

The images of the abandoned dog went round the world and the animal welfare charity said people from as far afield as New York and the Philippines offered to give him a new home.

Scottish SPCA animal care assistant Alan Grant said: Kai's story was really sad and many people likened him to Paddington Bear, given he was found alone at a railway station with his suitcase.

One of the reasons we chose Ian was right from the start he said he was interested in rehoming Kai but he would take our advice if we thought one of the many other dogs in our care would suit him better.

It was really important for us to select an owner who wanted Kai for all the right reasons and had really thought through their decision to take on a rescue dog.

We know Kai will have a fantastic new life with Ian and we couldn't be happier for him.

This is a great opportunity for us to remind people that we have hundreds of other animals in our care just like Kai who all need new homes.''

Kai can now look forward to getting out and about across the country.

Mr Russell said: I work all over Scotland, mainly outdoors, driving wherever I'm needed in my van. Kai will come with me and when it's appropriate I'll let him out to run around and play safely while I work. Then we'll jump back into the van together and head to the next place. We'll be able to hang out all the time.

Being the one to rehome Kai is a bit like winning the lottery and I'm really looking forward to getting him home and bonding with him.

I also want to highlight the fact there are lots of other animals like Kai whose stories haven't been told. I really hope some of the people who offered Kai a home will consider helping one of the many other rescue pets in the Scottish SPCA's care.''