Abuse trial hears victim spoke to journalist rather than telling police

Former Celtic boys club coach James Torbett denies nine abuse charges against him at the High Court in Glasgow

Published 24th Oct 2018
Last updated 24th Oct 2018

A man who claims he was sexually abused by a former Celtic Boy's Club coach sent him a email saying “You're a good man.”

The High Court in Glasgow heard that it was sent to James Torbett in the months before he made allegations to police and the press.

In the email the man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: “You're a good man Jim. Always have you in my heart until my last breath. You only ever tried to make me a better person, no more or less. Always love you. Xxx”

The witness was given evidence for a second day at the trial of Torbett, 71, from Kelvindale, Glasgow, denies sexually abusing four boys August 1985 and August 1994.

He claims that he was sexually abused by Torbett between the ages of 14 and 17.

Defence QC Tony Graham showed the witness a police statement taken from him on May 17, 2017 which refers to the email and said: “It says 'I initiated contact with Jim. He was getting a lot of grief in the newspapers. They were saying he was a paedophile. It shows the hold he had over me as I felt sorry for him.,” and he replied: “I doesn't mean anything to me.”

The 46-year-old said he accepted it was sent from his phone in December 2016, but said in court he could not remember sending it.

He was also shown birthday and Christmas cards he sent to Torbett. One birthday card said I'm grateful for your friendship and a Christmas card had the written inscription 'to someone very special. You mean the world to me. I know if it wasn't for you I'd have nothing to look forward to in life.'

The witness told Mr Graham: “It means nothing,” and added: “I can't give dates and times. They are insignificant to me. All I know is that I was abused for years by your client.”

He told the court that for many years he was addicted to cocaine, Esctasy, alcohol and gambling and claimed for have been addiction free for nine years.

Later when asked about incidents in 2016 described it as “a bit of a blur."

The man said that when police arrived at his home in December 2015 after he phoned and reported historic sex abuse at Celtic Boys' Club he told them to 'forget about it.”

The witness claimed he did not want his mother finding out about the alleged abuse.

When asked by Mr Graham why he had then gone on television with his allegations, the witness replied: “I felt let down by Police Scotland. They turned up unannounced. I had expected them to turn up in a couple of hours. It was two days. I told the police to forget about it. BBC reporters then came to my door and they gave me a platform.”

Mr Graham said: “You didn't speak to the police, but spoke to the BBC. If you were so keen to protect your mother from finding out about this did you not think she would find out when it was broadcast,” and the witness replied: “She never watched it.”

The witness added: “A million times I thought about going to the police.

The 46-year-old, also said he was driven to court by a journalist at an earlier hearing.

The trial has heard that the witness spoke of his alleged abuse in a BBC programme rather than contacting the police.

Defence QC Tony Graham asked the witness: “Once the programme was made did the BBC keep in contact with you and did that extend to a BBC journalist giving you a phone,” and he replied: “Yeah, he gave me a cheap phone.”

The QC then asked if a follow-up programme was planned and said: “You have been filmed doing a piece to camera in July. You were walking to this court with a camera man behind you. Were you assisting the BBC with this,” and the 46-year-old replied: “No, you are way off the mark.”

Mr Graham then asked: “During earlier proceedings do you recall liaising with BBC staff,” and the witness said: “I got a lift into the court.”

The witness agreed that he had at that time spoken to the journalist on a daily basis and added: “It was more a support basis. There never was a follow up.”

The witness was asked if he had been questioned about a photograph taken of a film crew following him through a car park,” and replied: “No.”

The defence QC then asked the witness why he called Torbett a good man if he had been seriously abused by him and replied: “I was in complete denial and high on drugs.”

The witness replied: “Yes,” when asked by Mr Graham if he was suing Celtic.

The trial before Lord Beckett continues.