Two teenagers jailed for murder bid on dad-of-one

Ajani Tella was kicked and stamped on by the pair after returning from church in Springburn last summer

Published 7th Jan 2016

Two teenagers who brutally battered an innocent dad in Glasgow for a "carry on" leaving him needing round-the-clock care have been jailed.

Ajani Tella was set upon by the duo - aged just 15 and 16 - as he returned home from church.

The murder bid included the 59 year-old being kicked and stamped on the head 20 times as he lay stricken on the ground.

The incident was so bad one witness was physically sick on viewing the assault in Springburn last August.

Mr Tella remains in hospital months later - with little hope of recovery - and may end up in a nursing home.

The attackers - who cannot be named for legal reasons - returned to the High Court in Glasgow after pleading guilty to attempted murder.

The 16 year-old's lawyer Duncan McPhie told the hearing: "He describes (the attack) in his own words as a 'carry on that went too far'."

Lord Burns went on to sentence the teenager - who also admitted breaching bail - to six years and three months.

The 15 year-old was detained for six years and nine months.

The judge branded the attack "brutal" adding: "It was a wholly unprovoked and motiveless crime inflicting catastrophic changes on this man's life."

The 15 year-old will supervised for five years on his release while the older thug will be monitored for four years.

Mr Tella was attacked as he returned from a night-time vigil at his local church in the early hours of August 1 last year.

The Nigerian - who has lived in the UK for 16 years - was at stairs at his flats in the city's Edgefauld Road when the duo and a young girl came out.

The 15 year-old - described as having earlier been "all hyped up" - was drunk on cheap cider and had taken drugs.

His accomplice had also downed a large amount of vodka.

As they passed Mr Tella, the 16 year-old suddenly grabbed the man's hat.

The 15 year-old then launched a plastic bottle as Mr Tella - fearing the worst - yelled for help.

But, the duo quickly turned on their victim, who was punched on the head and body.

Their female friend meantime failed in a bid to stop the attack. The court was told she was "physically sick" at what was happening.

The pair continued to batter their victim pummelling him to the ground.

The attack was captured on nearby CCTV cameras with the footage played in court.

Describing the horror of what happened next, prosecutor Stewart Ronnie said: "The victim did not appear to move again once on the ground.

One resident saw the attack and then heard the 16 year-old shout: "Come on, we've got to go...we are going to get the jail."

The pair eventually sprinted from the scene leaving Mr Tella for dead.

Two concierge came to his aid as a 999 call was made for the unconscious, blood-soaked victim.

Medics later discovered he had suffered brain damage along with serious head and face injuries.

The attackers were later traced by police as being the culprits.

When officers turned up at the 15 year-old's home, he sneered: "The clothes that I had on last night are lying on the floor for f**** sake."

Mr Tella's blood was found on his Nike Air Max trainers.

During a later interview, the court heard he had to be handcuffed after becoming "agitated and aggressive".

When his accomplice was held, the 16 year-old also had the victim's blood on his expensive North Face jacket.

Mr Ronnie told the court the victim is likely to be severely disabled for the rest of his life as a result of his ordeal.

He added: "It is unlikely that he will ever be able to live independently again. It is unclear if he will ever be able to communicate effectively ever again."

He is also at risk of potentially fatal "complications" such as pneumonia and relies on help for "all functions".

Mr Tella remains in intensive care while awaiting transfer to a specialised rehab unit. However, it could be he may end up being looked after in a nursing home instead.

Mr Tella's wife had also been in hospital for several months - it was not revealed why - resulting in their teenage son being looked after by the local church.

Allan MacLeod, defending the 15 year-old, said the assault was a "truly horrific crime".

He added the young thug had told him he had "cried himself to sleep" after watching CCTV of the incident.

The attackers have had previous dealings with police before the murder bid.

The 15 year-old had convictions from the Children's Hearing System, but the details were not revealed.

He attended a local secondary school at the time of the attack.

The 16 year-old previously had two police warnings for crimes of disorder. He apparently was waiting to start college when he was arrested.