Two teenagers assaulted by a gang in Greenfield area

The youths are understood to have made off west on Torphin Crescent

Published 1st May 2018

An investigation is underway after a serious assault in the Greenfield area of Glasgow on Friday 27 April 2018.

Around 10.15pm two teenagers, aged 18 and 19, were assaulted by a group of youths at the rear of St Andrew’s Secondary School in Torphin Crescent.

Emergency services attended and the two victims were taken to the Glasgow Royal Infirmary for treatment and have since been released.

The group of youths are understood to have made off west on Torphin Crescent.

Detective Constable Ashley Park from Shettleston CID: "Two young men have been left seriously injured in this attack, which appears to have been completely unprovoked. Extensive enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances of the incident and trace the abhorrent individuals responsible.

“I would appeal to anyone who was in the area on Friday night and may have noticed a large group of youths, or anything at all suspicious, to please get in touch.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Shettleston CID via 101, quoting incident number 4782 of Friday 27 April 2018. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.''