Two men assaulted in a Glasgow bar

The 17 year old man suffered a head injury and the 46 year old suffered injuries to his face

Published 5th Feb 2018

An appeal for information has been launched after two men were seriously assaulted in The Grapes Bar, Paisley Road West, Glasgow on Friday 2 February 2018.

Around midnight, police received a report of two men, aged 17 and 46 having been assaulted.

Emergency services attended and both men were taken to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

The 17 year old man suffered a head injury and the 46 year old suffered injuries to his face. Both were released following treatment.

Enquiries carried out so far have revealed that both men were involved in an altercation with another man in the bar. This escalated and the man, along with three other men, seriously assaulted the 17 and 46 year old. One of the suspects is described as between 25 and 30 years of age, approximately 5 ft. 4 inches tall and short, red/ginger hair.

Officers are checking CCTV images from in around the area and carrying out door-to-door enquiries for any additional information which could assist the investigation.

Detective Constable Paul McKenna said: ‘I am appealing to the people who were in the bar on Friday night to contact us as I’m sure they have important information regarding the incident and the suspects which would aid our enquiries. This area would have been busy around the time of the incident and I’m appealing to anyone who was in the area who may have information to contact us.’

Anyone with information is asked to call CID officers at Govan Police Station via 101, quoting incident number 0129 of Friday 2 February 2018. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.