Two cars destroyed in 'deliberate' fire in Carmichael

Police are appealing for information following a wilful fire-raising in Carmichael, between Lanark and Biggar.

Published 6th Dec 2016

Police are appealing for information following a wilful fire-raising in Carmichael, between Lanark and Biggar.

Two cars were deliberately set alight outside a house in Devonside Road, Carmichael just before 2am this morning. Both cars, a Landrover Discovery and a Nissan Juke, were completely destroyed.

The fire spread to the detached garage, a caravan on the drive and to the house. Although the householder and family were inside, no one was injured.

Detective Constable Mark Cummings, Wishaw CID, is appealing for information. He said: “Thankfully this fire did not cause any injury, but, if the householder hadn’t woken up to a noise outside his home, this could have been much, much worse.

“The garage, caravan and house sustained some damage as well but both cars were completely burnt out.

“Officers have been checking CCTV and so far, we know that at around 0155 hours, a black/dark coloured motor vehicle, with two men on board, was seen driving near to the house. After the fire is ignited, the vehicle is seen to drive from Carmichael towards Lanark.

“Whether it is involved in the incident or not has still to be established. At this time, we would like to speak to the men in the car as they may have information that will help our investigation.

“Carmichael is quite a rural area and I am sure that a vehicle driving at speed in this area in the early hours of the morning would have drawn attention.

“Anyone with information about the fire or who saw the car in the area, or who has any information that will assist police with the investigation can contact Wishaw CID via 101.”

Information can be passed in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.