Trio in court accused of directing people to commit serious offences

Three men have appeared in court charged with directing people to commit serious offences including the attempted murder of Steven Daniel.

Published 22nd Feb 2018

Three men have appeared in court charged with directing people to commit serious offences including the attempted murder of Steven Daniel. 36 year-old Brian Ferguson, 39 year-old Andrew Gallacher and 52 year-old Robert Pickett allegedly directed people “to commit a serious offence, namely serious assaults and attempted murders”.

Ferguson, from Cumbernauld, Gallacher, from Coatbridge and Pickett from Wemyss Bay appeared in private at Glasgow Sheriff Court where they made no pleas. Prosecutors allege that between November 1, 2016 and August 4, 2017 the three men directed others to deploy tracking devices on cars and report back the movements of individuals.

It’s claimed they were directed to carry out violence against people, in particular the assaults and attempts to murder Robert Daniel, Thomas Bilsland, Gary Petty, Ryan Fitzsimmons and Steven Daniel.

The trio face a separate charge of allegedly being involved in serious organised crime. All three were remanded in custody and will appear in court again at a later date.