Trial told DNA of murder accused found on ligature

20 year old Imrich Joni denies fatally strangling Gordon Bolam at his Pollokshields home

Published 20th Apr 2017

A forensic scientist has told a murder trial how a piece of fabric which had been tied around the neck of a pensioner found dead in his house contained the DNA of the accused.

43 year old Carol Rogers told the High Court in Edinburgh 20-year-old Imrich Joni's genetic profile was found on material which had been knotted around Gordon Bolam's throat.

Ms Rogers was giving evidence on the third day of proceedings against Mr Joni, who is currently detained in YOI Polmont in Stirlingshire.

He denies murdering the 68 year old at his home in Pollokshields, Glasgow, last summer by placing a "ligature around his neck."

Ms Rogers told jurors at the trial that a pathologist had cut away a piece of fabric from Mr Bolam's neck after his body had been discovered at his home by police.

She told the court that experts had obtained Mr Bolam's DNA profile and Mr Joni's profile. The fabric was then examined for traces of DNA.

The court heard that the DNA recovered from the fabric matched Mr Joni.

She told the court: "There was enough DNA present that I can say it matched the DNA profile of Imrich Joni."

Prosecutors allege that between June 29 2016 and July 14 2016, at the property on Kenmure Street, Glasgow, Mr Joni assaulted Mr Bolam by striking him with a knife.

It is claimed that Mr Joni inflicted blunt force injuries to Mr Bolam's head, neck and body before he placed a "ligature" around the man's neck and murdered him.

Prosecutors also claim that on the same dates as the alleged murder, Mr Joni attempted to defeat the ends of justice by concealing the body of Mr Bolam in a bedroom wardrobe.

It is alleged that Mr Joni placed clothing and bags on top of Mr Bolam's body. The accused is then alleged to have washed upholstery, floors and other surfaces in an attempt to remove blood and other "scientific evidence".

Mr Joni is then alleged to have disposed of his clothing, his "trainers" and the knife which prosecutors say was used to murder Mr Bolam.

The third charge states that Mr Joni was granted bail at Glasgow Sheriff Court on June 20 2016. The charge states that a condition of his bail was that he was only allowed to be in the city for hearings at the court.

Prosecutors say he breached the bail order by being in Kenmure Street, Glasgow between June 29 2016 and July 31 2016.

The legal document states that he failed "without reasonable excuse to comply with said condition in respect that you did enter the city of Glasgow for a purpose other than attending court".

The fourth charge states that on July 30 or July 31 2016, Mr Joni broke into the Festival Theatre at Nicolson Street, Edinburgh and stole four cigarette packets, a jack plug, two Leatherman tools and a photograph.

The fifth charge states that on July 31 2016, at Edinburgh's Nicolson Street, Mr Joni did without reasonable excuse have, in his possession an "article which had a blade, or was sharply pointed".

Mr Joni, who is currently detained at YOI Polmont in Stirlingshire, has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The trial, before Lady Scott, continues.