Tory Councillor Suspended Over Nicola Sturgeon Housing 'Is Mole' Tweet

A Tory councillor has been suspended over a Tweet joking about Islamic State ``moles'' moving in with Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Published 9th Sep 2015

A Tory councillor has been suspended over a Tweet joking about Islamic State moles'' moving in with Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

East Renfrewshire councillor Gordon McCaskill posted his comment on Twitter after Ms Sturgeon said she would be absolutely happy'' to have a Syrian refugee stay in her home.

In a tweet which he has since deleted, Mr McCaskill wrote: Scenes we'd like to see: the refugees Nicola invites into her house are Daesh moles.''

The Scottish Conservatives have now suspended Mr McCaskill and launched an investigation.

A party spokesman said: Mr McCaskill has been suspended from the party with immediate effect subject to an investigation.''

Ms Sturgeon said on Friday that Scotland stands ready to take at least 1,000 new refugees as an immediate priority.

She said: ''I've been overwhelmed myself with messages from people across Scotland saying they personally would be happy to give a home temporarily, or for a longer period of time, to somebody fleeing Syria.

''Yes, I would be absolutely happy to do that as part of a bigger, wider, organised approach.''

Prime Minister David Cameron yesterday announced that Britain is to resettle up to 20,000 refugees from Syria over the next four and a half years.