Tories warn SNP would prop up Corbyn in coalition

The SNP would do a deal with Labour that could see a ``shambolic'' Jeremy Corbyn leading the UK's Brexit negotiations

Published 30th May 2017

The SNP would do a deal with Labour that could see a shambolic'' Jeremy Corbyn leading the UK's Brexit negotiationspropped up by a coalition of chaos'', the Conservatives have claimed.

With the General Election just over a week away, and with Labour appearing to be gaining momentum, the Tories warned against any possible deal between Mr Corbyn and the Scottish nationalists.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has already made clear that if the arithmetic lends itself to a progressive alliance that can lock the Tories out of government, I would want the SNP to be part of that''.

Mr Corbyn insisted on Monday there would be no alliance'', claiming his party isfighting this election to win''.

On Tuesday, however, he refused to say he would block another Scottish independence referendum before Brexit is complete if Holyrood passed a motion on the timing, saying only he would ''urge them very strongly'' to delay it.

The Labour leader said he would allow a second referendum ''if the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people want it'' because that is the ''whole point'' of devolution.

Afterwards, Conservative Party chairman Patrick McLoughlin said: The SNP and Jeremy Corbyn are getting ready to do a deal to prop him up as Prime Minister, in return for a second independence referendum.

Don't forget, Corbyn's own spokesman said: 'Jeremy would definitely talk with the SNP'.''

He claimed the SNP manifesto, unveiled in Perth on Tuesday by Ms Sturgeon, made clear any post-election deal between the nationalists and Labour would result in higher taxes, more borrowing, weaker defences''.

Mr McLoughlin added: With Brexit negotiations starting 11 days after people vote, you'd have a totally shambolic Jeremy Corbyn propped up by a coalition of chaos in the seat for Britain.''