Tollcross woman begs housing association to keep late mother's home 'in the family'

A Tollcross woman is pleading with her local housing association to let her stay in a house that's been in her family for 33 years.

Author: Natalie CrawfordPublished 10th Jan 2018

A Tollcross woman is pleading with her local housing association to let her stay in a house that's been in her family for 33 years.

Andrena McInnes lives next door to her late mother's home and wants to make a like-for-like swap to keep it in her family.

She was told it wasn't possible and started a petition which has gathered more than 6,300 signatures so far.

Andrena says: “On the 27th December my beautiful mum passed away and as you could imagine we are in grieving process.

“My mum stayed in Prosen Street and this has been our family home for 33 years.

“My brother passed in this house 3 years ago and we're still coming to terms with his loss too.

“I stay one gate away from my mum but I was in at my mum’s every single day stayed and most nights to help her.

Andrena's home and her mum's next door

“I am asking for help so I can keep our family home.

“It’s just a straight swap of houses – they’re exactly the same - but Tollcross housing are saying it's not possible and I’m begging them to reconsider.

“This would break all our hearts seeing someone else go in to my mums gate.

“This home is our connection to our family.

“I am so over whelmed with the support I’ve had so far. I can’t believe the amount of people that have signed the petition.

“I just hope Tollcross Housing can find it in their hearts to reconsider.”

A spokesperson for Tollcross Housing Association said they could not comment on individual cases.