Convicted Glasgow rapist attacked woman while on early release

Fraser Summers, 30, was jailed for nine years in 2010

Glasgow Sheriff Court
Author: Colin StonePublished 4th Apr 2018

A convicted rapist from Robroyston has been found guilty of attacking another woman while out on early release from prison.

Fraser Summers, 30, was jailed for nine years in 2010 for raping two prostitutes in separate attacks in November 2007 and April 2008.

But after being released early, he attacked Lauren Cusick and her friend Glen Faulkner on 16 April last year.

He grabbed Miss Cusick and strangled her against a shop window before chasing Mr Faulkner.

Summers resisted arrest by refusing to allow officers to handcuff him, forcing a number officers to put him in the back of a van.

Summers, from Robroyston, went on trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court where he denied assaulting anybody, claimed he was the victim of threats and said he was spat on during the early-morning incident.

But sheriff Eric Brown rejected his version of events, branding him “wholly incredible” and found him guilty of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, two assault charges and resisting arrest.

Summers claimed he left the Savoy nightclub with his brother and insults and threats were hurled at him by a group outside McDonalds on Sauchiehall Street.

He alleged he was spat at by one of the group and was then taken a hold of by two police officers from behind who wouldn’t listen to him when he claimed he had done nothing wrong.

The court heard from Miss Cusick and her friends who described Summers making an “obscene gesture” by sticking his finger, or fingers up at them and acting aggressively.

Miss Cusick told how she was “terrified” when Summers grabbed her and held her by the neck against the window the EE phone shop.

He squeezed her neck, which stopped her from breathing or talking and punched her face.

She went to hospital and was given painkillers but took around three or four weeks off work after the attack.

Mr Faulkner described being “taken aback” by Summers' who turned on him.

He said it was a “scary situation”.

Summers chased him up the street, throwing his arms and trying to hit him but only made contact with his shoulder.

Another of the group, Jasmine Williamson told a nearby police officer what happened and pointed Summers out.

But, he refused to allow the officers to put handcuffs on him and lay on the ground as a dead weight.

They called for assistance and several officers arrived and helped to get Summers in the back of a police van.

Summers was recalled to custody to serve the remaining part of his High Court sentence.

Sentence was deferred on the current case until next month for reports.

During his rape trial Summers had accepted that he had attacked the women, but claimed that any sexual activity was consensual and denied the rapes.

The court heard that he attacked his first victim in November 2007 at ground in the Broomielaw area of Glasgow.

He approached the 37-year-old for sex before subjecting her to a brutal assault.

The victim was hit and slapped, dragged by the hair, thrown onto a pile of bricks and stones and had gravel forced into her mouth.

She eventually managed to run onto the street and stopped a taxi for help.

Summers struck again in April 2008 on waste ground at Carrick Street when he raped a second woman.

The 28-year-old was thrown to the ground and pinned down and called abusive names.

Summers was also convicted of punching two women at the Tunnel nightclub in Glasgow in November 2008.