Three injured in Ayrshire fairground accident

Three people have been taken to hospital following an incident at a fairground in Ayr.

Published 4th Sep 2016

Three people have been taken to hospital following an incident at a fairground in Ayr.

The incident is thought to have taken place at a funfair close to where Saturday's Scottish international air show took place.

Three people have been taken to Ayr Hospital, a Scottish Ambulance Service spokeswoman confirmed.

Ayrshire Police Division said: At around 9:30pm on Saturday September 3, police received a report of an incident involving a ride on grounds near to Ayr Race Course.

A number of people have been taken to Ayr and Crosshouse Hospitals for treatment.

Enquiries are continuing into the circumstances surrounding the incident and anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101.''

A Scottish Fire and Rescue spokeswoman said: The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service was alerted at 9:36pm on Saturday September 3 to reports of an incident involving a ride on the grounds near to Ayr Racecourse.

A heavy rescue vehicle from Easterhouse, three urban search and rescue pumps from Kilmarnock and two appliances from Ayr were immediately mobilised to the scene.