Thousands raised for homeless man who guarded open car

Published 15th Dec 2017
Last updated 15th Dec 2017

A homeless man who stood guard by an open car to make sure a handbag and money was not stolen has been overwhelmed by a campaign that has now seen more than ÂŁ8,000 raised for him.

James McGeown noticed that John McMonagle had left the window down of his car outside Glasgow Sheriff Court on Thursday morning with a hand bag and cash on display.

After waiting two-and-a-half hours, he took the bag out to check for ID and found it contained ÂŁ450. He then took it to a nearby solicitor's office until Mr McMonagle returned.

The businessman, who owns McMonagles Boat fish and chip restaurant in Clydebank, was touched by the act and set up a GoFundMe page to raise ÂŁ5,000 for Mr McGeown.

The target was quickly passed with the total continuing to grow over ÂŁ8,000.

Mr McMonagle said: ''It's been absolutely breathtaking, it really has. What James did was incredible.

I wanted to help him in some way and offered him a job but he's alcohol dependent. He needs professional help and he called me today and I dropped him at a detox centre where he's volunteered to go in for three weeks.''

Excess funds from the online drive are to go to homeless charities and support networks to help more people.

Mr McMonagle added: ''The money is over ÂŁ5,000 and James will get all of that but I'll administer it and be guided by professionals. It's there for clothing and I've just given him a mobile phone so I can keep in touch with him.

He's going to go through this three week detox, which I understand can be quite tough, but he's determined to do it and he phoned me and asked me to go in with him. I think the faith that everyone has shown in him has touched him.

He's genuinely overwhelmed. People have been approaching him in the street, he's had job offers and all sorts. It's a possible life changing opportunity for him.

I want the funding to keep coming. I've now seen the support available to people like James and the people who give it and I want this whole drive to help them.''

The page can be found at