Teenagers encourgad to take up self-defence classes in memory of Paige Doherty's murder

The self-defence classes in Whitecrook have been running for four weeks but it is hoped they will start in other parts of Glasgow.

Published 17th Sep 2016

The mum of Paige Doherty has launched a new scheme offering kids self-defence classes, to help them be prepared for an attack, that she warns ‘could happen anytime.’

The family have been running the self-defence classes in Whitecrook in Clydebank, where they are from, for the last four weeks. Their hopes are it will happen throughout Glasgow too.

Pamela Munro, 32, also wants to use the charity ‘Paige’s Promise’ to offer support and help for families who have lost kids in tragic circumstances.

She says she will also be doing a 10k in Paige’s memory, the first she has run without her daughter.

A massive search was launched when the 15-year-old was reported missing on Saturday March the 19th after she failed to arrive at her part-time hairdressing job in Kirkintilloch.

Her body was found two days later in bushes at the side of Great Western Road in her home town of Clydebank.

John Leathem, 31, has pleaded guilty to her murder and will be sentenced next month.

Pamela added: “We are now looking for self-defence instructors to help book our first block of lessons.”

If you are an instructor that wants to help then get in-touch by emailing news@radioclyde.com