Teenager treated for spinal injuries after east end communal garden attack

A 14-year-old boy has been left with spinal injuries following an attack in a garden.

Published 10th Mar 2016

A 14-year-old boy has been left with spinal injuries following an attack in a garden.

The teenager was assaulted by a man aged 18 or 19 after becoming separated from his friends in the east end of Glasgow.

The attack happened in a communal garden at the rear of a block of flats in Cockenzie Street, Greenfield.

Police said the victim was taken to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital where he is receiving treatment for a spinal injury.

Officers have been carrying out door-to-door inquiries and gathering CCTV images for review following the assault at 8.30pm on Monday.

Detective Sergeant Shirley Carr said: "The motive for this attack is unknown.

"This is a largely residential area and it's possible someone may have seen or heard something and didn't realise a young boy had been attacked.

"I am appealing to local residents to get in touch with us and pass on any information they may have.

"You may think your information won't be relevant but a minor detail could be enough to help us trace the man responsible for this attack.''

The suspect is white and spoke with a local accent.