Teenager sexually assaulted near Glasgow woodland

Published 25th Apr 2019

Detectives are appealing for information after a young woman was subjected to a sexual assault on Tuesday night. Between 8pm and 9pm, a 17 year-old, was walking near woodland at Cathkin Road, next to the B759 road, when she was approached by a man walking a dog.

The man spoke to the young woman, before dragging her into the woods and subjecting her to a sexual assault.

The suspect then made off in the direction of Cathkin Braes Golf Club.

The suspect is white, between 30 and 40 years of age, short dark hair, bushy eyebrows, a large nose and a local accent. He was wearing light grey coloured tracksuit trousers and a cream or off-white coloured puffa jacket.

Officers continue to carry out enquiries and specialist search officers have been examining the area for any forensic opportunities.

Detective Sergeant Jamie Campbell said: “We believe the young woman was attacked sometime between 8 and 9pm. Although this is a B road, it can be pretty busy with cars and the area is used a lot by walkers and runners. There is also a cycle track close to the location of the incident and I am appealing to people who use the area to think back and consider if they noticed anything on Tuesday night. Perhaps you saw something which seemed a little odd at the time which you dismissed. Now that you know a crime has occurred your information could prove vital. I would urge anyone with any information to please get in touch with us, no matter how insignificant you think the information may be, let us be the judge and pass it on.

He continued: “Additional officers will be patrolling the area in order to reassure members of the public who I’m sure are shocked by what has occurred.”

Anyone with information is asked to call CID officers at Motherwell Police Station via 101, quoting incident number 4422 of 23 April 2019. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where you can give your information anonymously.