Teen who damaged 27 headstones jailed for 2 years

During his two-month crime spree, Malcolm yelled “Heil Hitler” at a terrified 16-year-old in a park.

Glasgow Sheriff Court
Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 3rd Jan 2019

A vandal who scrawled anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi symbols on an MSPs office window has been been caged for more than two years.

18 year old James Malcom, used red paint to draw symbols including a Star of David being hung on gallows, at Rona McKay’s Kirkintilloch office.

He then caused £14,000 of damage to 27 headstones at a cemetery with a Nazi swastika symbol scribbled on broken glass found at one of them.

During his two-month crime spree, Malcolm yelled “Heil Hitler” at a terrified 16-year-old in a park.

He vandalised Lenzie Moss Nature Reserve and Waverly and Luggie Park in Kirkintiloch, and used his blood to write offensive slogans on the wall of a police cell.

Malcolm pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to four charges of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, a charge of maliciously damaging headstones and writing offensive slogans on a cell between June 1 and August 9, last year.

Sheriff Alan MacKenzie sentenced him to two years and four months behind bars.

The court heard a member of the public spotted graffiti on a glass notice board at Lenzie Moss Nature Reserve on July 17.

He saw "Glory to marches and enemies to the point of no return" in blue paint, along with Nazi slogans and symbols as well as "James M", scratched on to a sign among the post.

Procurator fiscal depute Mark Allan said the man was “offended and horrified” and took a picture then reported it to the police.

On July 23, Malcolm graffitied in red paint on a bridge above the main path leading to Luggie Park.

Days later a dog-walker saw "Adolf Hitler", "All N*s must hang" and "white power" among other phrases.

Mr Allan said: "She was offended and appalled by what she saw, in particular a picture of the Star too David on a hangman’s noose, which reminded her of a personal tragic event."

She contacted the police who took a note of the full text on the bridge.

The cost of the damage was £500 for the removal of the graffiti.

On July 24, Malcolm was with a group of younger teenagers who ran off when he began to vandalise the window at Miss McKay’s office with a red paint marker.

Mr Allan said the writing again included anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi symbols.

The following day an employee "felt uncomfortable about the content" of the vandalism and contacted the police.

Investigations lead to Malcolm and officers went to his house to speak to him.

The court heard when they went into his home they saw the walls were covered with anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans including “death to all jews” and “death to all non whites”.

He was taken to London Road police office to be interviewed.

Mr Allan added: "He initially made no comment, however when being asked about the phrases on the bridge he admitted he was responsible and when shown photographs he began to explain the correct phrases, symbols and icons and provided meaning and context.

"He also stated that he was looking to shock people with his messages so that they would lake up and see the truth.

"He didn't see anything wrong with what he had done however stated that he was getting punished because it was the establishment’s rules."

Malcolm said he didn’t intend to hurt anybody and only want get his messages out.

When he was held in custody to attend at court, he smeared swastikas and other symbols on the walls of his cell with his own blood.

Having been bailed at court, Malcolm shouted Nazi phrases at a 16-year-old at Waverly Park and threatened him with a Buckfast bottle.

He left the park after he was told by two passers-by that they had contacted the police.

Mr Allan said that on August 9, police were given information that Malcolm had damaged and pushed over grave stones at Old Aisle Cemetery in Kirkintilloch.

The court heard there are 38 graves of Commonwealth service personnel from the first and second World Wars in the graveyard and this is signposted.

When police arrived they saw several headstones had been pushed over and that the damage appeared fresh with the soil newly turned over.

Mr Allan continued: "A total of 27 headstones within different sections of the cemetery had been damaged.

"Some had been pushed over and some had been broken in two. Two of the headstones appeared to have had glass bottles smashed off them.

"At one of the headstones they found a small piece of broken glass with writing which included a Nazi swastika and Germanic ruins."

The court was told the damage is £14,000 although that may go up as some headstones will need more work than others.

When he was later arrested Malcolm told police "I know I shouldn’t have done it, I don’t know why."