Teenage drug dealer jailed for a year after selling ecstasy to tragic schoolgirl

14-year old Zoe Bremner died after taking the drugs that Thomas Lamont sold her in June last year

Published 27th Sep 2018

A teenage drug dealer has been locked up for a year after selling ecstasy to a 14-year-old girl who died after taking it. Thomas Lamont (18) sold six tablets to Zoe Bremner in June last year.

Zoe later took ill after taking two of the pills.

The schoolgirl was pronounced dead after an ambulance was called to a flat in Glasgow's Cowcaddens.

Lamont, of the city's Knightswood, returned to Glasgow Sheriff Court having earlier pled guilty to being concerned in the supply of ecstasy (MDMA).

Sheriff Johanna Johnston QC said the sentence would have been 14 months, but for the guilty plea.

Co-accused Stephen Selkirk (18) joined him in the dock after he also admitted the same charge.

He pleaded guilty to dealing the drug to four teenagers in April and May last year.

Selkirk, of Yoker, Glasgow, was locked up for 14 months reduced from 16 months.

The court earlier heard how Zoe and two friends had been at a house party before heading to another property.

Prosecutor Niall MacDonald said they later agreed to try a new ecstasy called "capital hardcore".

Zoe contacted Lamont through Facebook Messenger.

He then suggested meeting her in the city's Drumchapel to sell six tablets for £45.

The dealer sent a message stating: "Be rapid."

Zoe went on to hand over the cash before going to the flat in Cowcaddens.

She took a couple of the pills while two girls shared the others.

The court heard Zoe was later "unable to walk".

Mr MacDonald said: “She became increasingly agitated and aggressive.

"She subsequently appeared to be taking a fit."

A 999 call was made, but Zoe never recovered.

A post mortem revealed the death was due to ecstasy "intoxication".

A probe soon began to catch the dealer. Lamont's DNA was found on the bag they came in.

He went on to make no comment when quizzed by police.

But, his mum gave a statement that her son confirmed being present when drugs were bought.

However, it was initially claimed two other individuals had supplied them.

Sheriff Johnston told Lamont: "“Zoe Bremner died very quickly from ingesting MDMA.

"The risk is always there. That is why the court deals seriously with these cases.”

Selkirk was sentenced meantime after he sold pills after also being contacted via Facebook.

The four 15 year-old's who bought them either took the tablets or shared them with friends.