Teachers resume West Dunbartonshire walk outs

Talks fail to solve long-running dispute over shake-up

Published 26th Apr 2016

Teachers are striking at high schools in West Dunbartonshire again today.

The disruption to the routines of parents and teenagers continues after a teaching union and council officials failed to find a solution to end to a dispute last night.

Another two day walk out is going ahead because there was no agreement at the talks last night to try and resolve a running dispute.

Members of the local branch of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) are concerned about a change to the management structure of secondary schools which they say will cut the number of senior teaching posts.

The EIS claims it will reduce the number of deputy headteacher posts, cut principal teacher posts from subject departments and cut the number of pastoral care posts in each of the authority's secondary schools.

West Dunbartonshire Council has tried to reassure them by saying this has happened already in different parts of Scotland is proven to be a more effective way of working.