Syrian refugees resettled in Scotland since 2014

Home Office statistics show 16.3% of all refugees from Syria to the UK have resettled in Scotland in the last five years, including 650 people in 2019.

Refugees Scotland 2014
Published 29th Feb 2020

Across the whole of the UK, 21,100 refugees have arrived from the country, where a civil war has raged since 2011.

The SNP said the figures show Scotland remains an open, inclusive and welcoming'' country.

Keith Brown, depute leader of the party, said: I am proud that Scotland is stepping up to our global responsibilities in tackling the refugee crisis and supporting people forced to flee war and violence in their home country.

The resettlement programme is about ensuring Scotland remains an open, inclusive and welcoming country, and helping families in desperate need to build secure lives and feel valued in their communities.

By contrast, the UK Government has neglected its responsibilities - instead choosing to ramp up their anti-immigrant policies and reject proposals to protect child refugees.

Our ambition for Scotland is unashamedly international and the SNP remains determined to do all we can to help those who have fled the horrors of war, uphold human rights, and welcome refugees into our communities.''

A UK Government spokesman said: The UK has a proud history of welcoming and supporting those in need of our protection.

We welcome the support from over 320 local authorities across the UK, including in Scotland, in support of the UK Government's resettlement commitments.

We will continue to provide sanctuary to some of the most vulnerable refugees from regions of conflict with a new global resettlement scheme set to start this year.''