Striking teachers at 'toxic' school to return to work

Teachers at two North Lanarkshire Schools, striking over health concerns, will return on Friday.

Published 14th Aug 2019
Last updated 14th Aug 2019

Teachers at two North Lanarkshire Schools, striking over health concerns, will return on Friday.

Members of the NASUWT walked out over contamination fears at St Ambrose and Buchanan High.

The union says it has now had enough time to consider the findings of a Scottish Government report declaring the campus safe and has advised teachers to go back to work.

Ms Chris Keates, General Secretary (Acting) of the NASUWT-the Teachers’ Union, said:

“It is reassuring that our experts believe that the remedial action that has been taken has now made it safe for our members to return to work.

“However there are still a number of important issues which need to be addressed.

“The ongoing health issues being experienced by some of our members, including those diagnosed with bladder cancer, remain of deep concern. It has yet to be demonstrated that these are not linked to the conditions on the site in the months and years before the recent remedial actions were taken on the water system and other aspects of the working environment.

“Only this week yet another NASUWT member tested positive for elevated levels of arsenic. The NASUWT and its lawyers will be continuing to pursue these, and any other cases which present themselves, with the Council.

“The NASUWT also believes that support will be needed for staff from the Council, not least to address the deep stress and anxiety that they have suffered over a long period of time, which has taken its toll on their physical and mental wellbeing.

“Whilst NASUWT members may be returning to work, the NASUWT is not withdrawing its current industrial action ballot and will not do so until we are confident that all of the recommendations in the Report are being implemented fully and we have had a series of air, water and gas membrane test results that confirm that there is no deterioration of the position, following the remedial work recently undertaken.

“If it hadn’t been for the willingness of the NASUWT members to take a strong stand on this issue, many of the actions which have now been taken on the site would never have occurred and much of the information which staff, parents and the public now quite rightly have access to would never have been made available.

“We have to be sure that lessons have been learned, that all involved recognise that the health and welfare of individuals must always be given priority and that this situation never happens again.

“I will be meeting with the Council next week for further discussions to ensure that the progress which has now been made is maintained going forward."

A spokesperson for North Lanarkshire Council said: “We welcome the announcement of the NASUWT to suspend their industrial action at Buchanan High And St Ambrose High schools following constructive discussions, and we look forward to their return to work on Friday.

“The Scottish Government’s independent review of the site made it clear that the schools are safe and there is no connection between the campus and any illness.

“We have already implemented many of the report’s recommendations and will continue to work closely and collaboratively with parents, pupils and staff to ensure that all of our pupils continue to receive an outstanding education."