Stranraer woman takes her puppy farm fight to Holyrood

Eileen Bryant's petition has more than 1,000 signatures

Published 11th May 2017

MSPs are to consider calls for tougher action to address the farming and illegal transportation of puppies.

Holyrood's Public Petitions Committee will take evidence from Eileen Bryant on her petition opposing irresponsible dog breeding.

The petition has attracted 936 signatures online and a further 551 offline, as well as 127 comments in support.

It urges the Scottish Government to investigate measures to regulate the sale and deplorable'' living conditions of puppies, arguing the current systemis being exploited by those people that do not have animal welfare at heart''.

The petition states: We would like to see the creation of a public information campaign to raise awareness of the animal welfare problems associated with puppy farming, the creation of a unique breeder number for every legitimate dog breeder and consideration given to what action can be taken by the relevant agencies to detect, deter and disrupt the movement of farmed puppies without some form of legal and recognised certification for the transport of puppies, which often takes place in conditions not conducive to good animal welfare and which can result in the avoidable deaths of puppies.''

MSPs will also hear from Mark Rafferty, chief inspector in the special investigations unit of the Scottish SPCA.

The petition cites Scottish SPCA statistics showing that 330 puppies have been seized at Cairnryan, Dumfries and Galloway, as part of Operation Delphin, set up to tackle the illegal puppy trade from Ireland to the UK.