South Lanarkshire thug jailed for attempted murder

Published 12th Dec 2017
Last updated 12th Dec 2017

A knife thug who carried out 'a murderous attack' on a friend who broke into his mother home and robbed her was jailed for six years.

Judge Lord Beckett ordered 33-year-old Kevin Craig to be monitored in the community for four years after his release to protect the public.

Craig stabbed Michael Colquhoun six times in a brutal attack after confronting him about the housebreaking which took place while his mother was at home.

Lord Beckett told Craig: 'You launched a murderous attack on Mr Colquhoun. Whatever he may have done to you and your family provides no excuse. I'm concerned to ensure the public is protected from you.'

The High Court in Glasgow heard that Mr Colquhoun stole Craig's mother's medicine in the break-in.

Mrs Craig who suffers from COPD, was terrified and had to be hospitalised as a result of the break-in..

Craig admitted attempting to murder Michael Colquhoun at his home in Douglas, South Lanarkshire, on August 12, 2017, by repeatedly stabbing him with a screwdriver.

Craig , who was released on licence from Shotts Prison in July 2016, was angered at what Mr Colquhoun, who he had considered a friend, had done and he fact his offence was dealt with by a fiscals's fine.

Solicitor advocate Rhonda Anderson, representing Craig, told the court: 'The complainer broke into the house when Mr Craig's mother lived. She was on her own at the time.

'She suffers from COPD. She was terrified and became very unwell and was taken to hospital.'

Ms Anderson added: The accused said he was being taunted by Mr Colqhoun by text and on Facebook saying 'I know you're on licence and can't do anything.'

The court was told that Craig did nothing for a few weeks and then at 4.10pm on August 12 he entered Mr Colquhoun's house though the unlocked front door and challenged him to a fight.

Prosecutor Duncan McPhie said: 'The complainer refused and said the matter had been dealt with. The accused then took a screwdriver out of his jacket pocket and repeatedly stabbed Mr Colquhoun, who screamed for Mr Craig to stop as he became aware he was bleeding heavily.'

After the attack Craig , who worked at a farmer's market, ran off.

Mr Colquhoun suffered scars to his legs, left arm, back and buttock.

Mr McPhie said: 'Medical opinion is that one of the wounds was life threatening.'

Ms Anderson said: 'Mr Craig wanted to have it out with the complainer. He did not intend to stab him, though he wanted to fight him.

'The two men became involved in a shouting match, the housebreaking was mentioned and Mr Craig lost control in anger and produced the screwdriver he used at work and stabbed Mr Colquhoun.'

Craig was jailed for seven years in 2012 at the High Court in Glasgow for stabbing a neighbour twice in the back to the danger of his life.