South Ayrshire School Pupil Contracts E-Coli

Published 9th Sep 2015

NHS Ayrshire & Arran is currently investigating a confirmed case of E.coli infection in a child attending a South Ayrshire school.

It is believed the pupil goes to Ayr Grammar School but it is yet to be confirmed.

The Public Health Department of NHS Ayrshire & Arran is working with the Environmental Health Department of South Ayrshire Council to identify possible sources. Investigations are on-going but currently there is no evidence to suggest this infection occurred at the school.

As a precaution, the Public Health department has written to the parents of children attending the school, and who may have been in social contact with the individual, to offer general advice about signs and symptoms which may indicate an infection.

The symptoms of E.coli infection can include stomach cramps, diarrhoea (often bloody), nausea and fever. In a small number of cases, this infection causes serious illness and complications.

E.coli is most often acquired from animals and foodstuffs, but may also be passed from person to person. The infection can spread very easily. By taking some simple precautions, people can help reduce the risk of infection. Careful hand washing is one of the most effective methods people can take to avoid the infection - especially before eating, after using the toilet, before and after handling food and after contact with animals.

Anyone who has symptoms should contact their family doctor (GP) or call NHS24 on 111 out-of-hours, and should not attend school, nursery, childminding groups or similar children’s groups until they have had no symptoms for 48 hours.