SNP slams Scotland Office's rise in spending on communications staff

Published 28th Dec 2015

The Scotland Office is spending four times as much on communications staff as it did in 2010, according to figures from the SNP, who described its role as a marketing campaign for the Union''.

The Scotland Office, part of the UK Government, will spend a projected £474,000 on nine staff in 2015-16, according to figures obtained by the SNP through freedom of information requests.

This compares to two staff at a cost of £108,439 in 2010-11.

MSP James Dornan said that with only one Conservative MP in Scotland, the Chancellor should remove the budget ring fence for the pointless'' department.

Mr Dornan said: As the Tory government are implementing massive cuts to spending on public services and slashing the incomes of the poorest through welfare cuts, people will be shocked that they are spending over 430% more on press officers for David Mundell.

David Mundell is Scotland's sole Tory MP and represents a party that received its worst election result in Scotland since 1865 in this year's general election. Scotland did not choose a Tory government, yet it is now paying hundreds of thousands to promote Tory policies.

It is absurd that George Osborne has also chosen to protect the Scotland Office's budget - he should remove the budget ring fence for this pointless department.''

A Scotland Office spokesman said: The UK Government has a duty to inform the public about its policy and work.

These modest year-on-year increases bring the office into line with similar UK departments. It also adds new functions such as digital communications, ensuring key information reaches as many people in Scotland as possible.''