Single market and immigration control at the heart of SNP manifesto

Protecting Scotland's place in the European single market, demanding full control over immigration is devolved to Holyrood and repealing the Trade Union act are among the pledges in the SNP's General Election manifesto.

Published 22nd May 2017

Protecting Scotland's place in the European single market, demanding full control over immigration is devolved to Holyrood and repealing the Trade Union act are among the pledges in the SNP's General Election manifesto.

The party also plans to ban zero-hours contracts, stop businesses involved in blacklisting from bidding for public contracts and abolish fees for employment tribunals.

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said the manifesto, which will be launched on Tuesday, has plans to create jobs, support businesses and make work fair.

She said: “Now, more than ever, it is vital that Scotland has strong SNP voices standing up to the Tories at Westminster - defending Scotland from the Tory assault on Scottish jobs and workers' rights.

“The Tories cannot be trusted to stand up for working families or for Scotland's businesses.

“Tory plans for an extreme Brexit, that would take us out of the world's largest single market, would do huge damage to Scotland's economy - costing 80,000 Scottish jobs, a cut in wages of £2,000 per head, and a hit to the economy of up to £11 billion a year by 2030.

“The Tory Government's sustained attack on workers' rights over the past seven years has made work less fair and taken protections away from the lowest paid and most vulnerable workers.

“Only the SNP has a clear plan to boost Scottish jobs, support our businesses, and make work fair for all - and only the SNP can be trusted to stand up for Scotland's interests.”