Shelter Staff To Strike Over Pay

Published 10th Dec 2014

Staff at leading housing charity Shelter are to stage a three day strike in a row over pay.

Unite said its 400 members will walk out from next Tuesday in protest at cuts of up to £5,000 for frontline staff.

The action, hitting the charity's advice and support work, was backed by two thirds of those taking part in a recent strike ballot.

Unite has also accused Shelter of proposing pay changes which it said will create a two tier workforce.

Shelter's main offices in London, Glasgow and Sheffield as well as smaller ones in cities such as Manchester and Bristol will be affected by the three day strike.

Unite regional officer Peter Storey said: "Our members care deeply about the help they give and the people they support. They are fearful that 'cut rate pay' will lead to a 'cut rate organisation' as managers struggle to recruit experienced replacements on the new lower rates of pay.

"Shelter's frontline support and advice workers are the lifeblood of the charity and deserve better than pay cuts while those with huge salaries at the top see their pay protected.

"Cutting pay for some of our lowest paid staff is simply not necessary.

Shelter is in a healthy financial position and management need to get back around the table to negotiate a fair settlement.''