Serial sex offender faces life behind bars after investigation into former Glasgow children's home

59-year old Alistair Findlay was cleared in 1984 of allegations made against him by former residents of Park Lodge - but was hauled back into the dock to face fresh charges

Published 13th Nov 2018

A serial sex offender faces a life sentence after a high-profile probe into abuse at a former children's home. Alistair Findlay preyed on the vulnerable youngsters in the 1970s and 80s.

Findlay worked at the time at Park Lodge Children's Home then in Glasgow's Newlands.

He was initially prosecuted - and then cleared - in 1984 following allegations made by residents.

But, last year, police launched a fresh investigation into abuse claims at the former Glasgow City Council home that shut in 2008.

It resulted in Findlay being hauled into the dock as victims recalled harrowing ordeals at his hands.

The 59 year-old denied the accusations - even insisting claims had been made as “revenge” for him previously being acquitted.

But, he was found guilty of seven sex charges following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

These included separate attacks on a girl not from the home and a boy he was teaching to swim.

After the verdict, jurors were then told of Findlay's horrendous list of sex offences.

He was jailed for six years in 1999 for trying to lure a 10 year-old girl into a paedophile ring.

Other crimes included being locked up again for three years in 2004 for having indecent images of children.

He was last jailed for two years in 2016 for abusing boys during swimming lessons.

Lord Matthews ordered a full risk assessment be carried on Findlay before sentencing next February.

This could lead to the pervert being hit with an Order for Lifelong Restriction.

A trial heard how Findlay targeted two girls and a boy at the care home.

He told the trial that one of the female victims may have been “festering resentment” after he was cleared in the 1980s.

Findlay insisted the other girl had been “put up” to making up accusations about him.

He even claimed she had once told him the allegations were false.

But, prosecutor David Taylor put to him: “The obvious explanation these people have come forward in their evidence is because its true.”

Findlay moaned: “The police spent hundreds of thousands of pounds trawling for people.

“The case was high publicity.”

Mr Taylor then said: “So, on the back of this investigation and the publicity, these people have come forward and got it completely wrong?”

Findlay: “It was one (victim) who went to police. The police approached the rest.”

He added “revenge was a good motive”.

The advocate depute went on: “The motive for them coming forward was to tell the truth.

“You are the one telling lies about the abuse of these children.”

Findlay: “I did not abuse any of them.”

Prosecutors went on to brand his claims as “simply incredible”.

Findlay was further found guilty of preying on a boy at swimming lessons in Glasgow's Shawlands.

This victim recalled being abused by a coach called Alistair - but Findlay denied that was him.

Jurors heard he also attacked a young girl in the city's southside.

The crimes Findlay was convicted of spanned between 1976 and 1983.

He was found guilty of two charges of lewd and libidinous conduct against the girls at Park Lodge.

Findlay was convicted of the same crime as well as sexual assault against the boy at the home.

He was guilty of those two charges involving the boy at the swimming pool.

The sex attacker was finally convicted of lewd and libidinous conduct against the other girl.