Scottish Government to cover cost of recovering missing fishermen

The cost of recovering the bodies of two fishermen who died when their boat capsized on Loch Fyne will be paid for by the Scottish Government.

Published 12th Feb 2018

The cost of recovering the bodies of two fishermen who died when their boat capsized on Loch Fyne will be paid for by the Scottish Government.

They have announced they will work with salvage specialists to reach the Nancy Glen - it's lying around 140 meters deep on the sea bed, the crew are thought to be inside.

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Following the Marine Accident Investigation Board’s decision to leave the vessel in situ, the Scottish Government has now agreed to examine whether the vessel can be lifted from its position to enable recovery.

This would mean raising the vessel to a position just below the surface to allow divers to enter and operate as safely as possible.

The costs of any recovery would also be met by the Scottish Government.

Fisheries Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“This has been a deeply distressing time for the families of Duncan MacDougall and Przemek Krawczyk.

“In these tragic and extremely exceptional circumstances, with the Nancy Glen having been lost within sight of the family homes and the wider community, it is only right that the Scottish Government intervenes and works with the families and salvage experts to search the vessel. The money raised through crowdfunding can go to the families rather than the recovery operation.

“A recovery operation will pose serious logistical challenges, and will need to be undertaken with the safety of divers and others involved uppermost in mind.

“This has been an upsetting time for all those involved, but we owe it to the families of the fishermen who were lost to mount this operation.

“And while there is no guarantee of a successful outcome, I hope our intervention will help bring some closure to the families and friends of Mr MacDougall and Mr Krawczyk."