Scottish DJ offers support to factory workers facing job cuts

Renowned DJ Calvin Harris has offered his support to workers at a struggling seafood factory.

Published 14th Apr 2018

Management for the Scottish star, who used to work at the Pinneys site in Annan, contacted Dumfries and Galloway Council leader Elaine Murray with the offer of help.

Ms Murray said she had received a message from Mark Gillespie at music management company Three Six Zero on behalf of Harris and had directed him to the Save Pinneys of Annan campaign.

In the message Mr Gillespie said: `Calvin forwarded me the article about the Pinneys facility that is being threatened with closure in Dumfries and asked if there is anything he can do to help with the situation. He used to work there.'

A post on Dumfries and Galloway Council's Facebook page said: `Calvin Harris has been in touch with our council to ask what he can do to help regarding Pinneys.

`Calvin used to work at Pinneys when he was young. Even the world's most famous DJ has heard the terrible news about the closure.'

The Scottish Government is in talks with several companies in a bid to save the site after bosses at Young's Seafood announced it had been earmarked for closure.

The company proposes moving the salmon production currently undertaken at Pinneys to the company's Grimsby base, following a review of its UK operations.

As many as 450 jobs could go if the factory closes its doors.