More Scots Return Bowel Cancer Kits

Published 13th Dec 2014

Increasing numbers of Scots are screening themselves for bowel cancer after receiving a kit in the post.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said it was hugely encouraging'' that more over-50s are taking part in the Government's national programme to beat the disease.

Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Scotland but can be cured if caught in the early stages, when symptoms are not always obvious.

This year's Detect Cancer Early campaign ran from October 6 to November 6 and saw an increase of almost 9% in the number of people returning their screening kits for testing compared to the same period in 2013.

Ms Robison said: I'm hugely encouraged by the increase in returned bowel cancer screening kits.

Our message is simple and clear: early-stage bowel cancer can often be cured if detected early.

The early symptoms are often hidden so the best way to find it is to do the test. If you haven't done one for two years, or need a replacement, call the helpline today on 0800 0121 833.''

To take the test, samples from three separate bowel motions have to be collected before they are returned for screening.

A new, discreet storage device is being trialled to help make both taking and storing the test at home as easy as possible, health officials said.

Phyllis Weir, a 62-year-old grandmother from Lanark, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in November 2013 after completing the test she received in the post.

She led a healthy lifestyle and had no symptoms but had seen several people close to her affected by cancer so did not want to take any chances.

She said: I was asked to do a second test which was followed by a colonoscopy where doctors spotted something they believed to be a tumour.

I knew it couldn't be anything like IBS as I didn't suffer from any symptoms so within five days tests confirmed my worst fear that it was, in fact, cancer.

Two weeks later I had surgery to remove the tumour followed by six months of chemotherapy. From November I was clear of cancer but the chemo was recommended as a precaution for the future.

I still remember that day in November like it was yesterday as I was terrified that doctors wouldn't even be able to treat me, so to get the news that the surgery was successful was just fantastic.

Thankfully I did the test when I did. It literally takes a matter of minutes but some people think it's messy and there seems to be a lot of stigma surrounding doing it.

At the end of the day it could save your life and I would recommend anyone who receives the test just to do it.''

Professor Robert Steele, director of the Scottish Bowel Screening Programme, said: There's nothing to be embarrassed about, the test is quick and simple and can be done in the privacy of your own home. Most importantly, it could save your life.

So when your kit drops through your letterbox, don't delay.''