Scotland's oldest stalker spared jail

81 year old Andrew Trimble will be supersived for nine months after admitting stalking his former girlfriend

Published 8th Jan 2016

Scotland's oldest stalker has been spared jail for a second time after pestering the woman who dumped him for a younger man.

81 year old Andrew Trimble was given a non-harrassment order last year for stalking May Fernie, 79.

He was annoyed when she told him she had met someone else - toyboy Harry Kennedy, 78.

But less than two months after being in court he flouted the order and phoned the pensioner from his local pub - swearing at her and calling her names.

Trimble, from Garrowhill, Glasgow appeared in the city's sheriff court last month where he pled guilty to a second stalking charge between June and July last year.

He admitted "engaging in a course of conduct which caused May Fernie for or alarm".

He admitted putting notes through her door, as well as beer mats and going to her house uninvited, and making threats.

The retired bookie also pled guilty to phoning her on October 2, 2015 and swearing and making offensive remarks.

Sheriff Anthony Deutch told the OAP: "I ought to be sending you to prison, I take account of your age therefore I am going to impose a period of supervision which will last for nine months."

The sheriff also ordered Trimble stay in his home between 8pm and 8am in the morning.

Trimble claims he dated Mrs Fernie for 15 months from November 2013 until she told him it was over.

They enjoyed dancing at Shettleston social club twice a week and went to Garrowhill Bowling Club.

Speaking after an earlier court hearing Trimble said: "I was angry when she ended it. She told me she'd met somebody else.

"She said he doesn't drink. But when I had a drink I called her everything you can think of on the phone.

"I made abusive phonecalls. I wrote notes. I was calling her a tramp.

"I should not have called her half the things I did but it's human nature. I'm still mad about this but there's nothing I can do about it now."

Last year Trimble was handed the non-harrassment order and told not to contact Mrs Fernie as well as a £365 fine.

He had been given the fine and order in August for stalking Mrs Fernie and assaulting her last year.

Between May and June 2015, he turned up at her house, repeatedly sent her letters and on June 3 went to her east end house uninvited and tried to remove house keys.

He kicked a door and made threats and put his hands round her neck.