Ryanair bombarded with complaints from angry customers

Published 28th Sep 2017

Furious Ryanair customers are bombarding the firm with complaints and questions following the latest batch of flight cancellations.

The airline announced it is to suspend 34 routes between November and March as the crisis over pilot availability deepens.

Routes axed over the winter season include London Stansted to Edinburgh and Glasgow, Gatwick to Belfast, Newcastle to Faro, and Glasgow to Las Palmas.

Jez Thompson, from Nottingham, was due to fly with five others to Italy to watch England's rugby union team play in the Six Nations Championship on February 3.

He accused the firm of spoiling their holiday and said he was disappointed to say the least''.

He added: Eighteen months' planning blown out the water, six very disappointed rugby fans.''

Karen McDerment, from Patna in Ayrshire, wrote on Ryanair's Facebook page that the situation was a complete joke''.

She said: Are Ryanair going to pay the ÂŁ535 that I am going to lose for my accommodation over new year?

Doubt it ... can't even contact them on any of the links provided on their very matter of fact email. Ryanair = couldn't care ... would rather pay a bit more in future then give you another penny.''

Ed Williams described the situation as a complete joke''.

He wrote: Got 16 flights cancelled, three different booking numbers. So can't just re-book without knowing there's enough room for us all. Five minutes talking to someone and this could be resolved. Six hours of phoning waiting live chat and still no joy.'