Ruth Davidson calls on the Conservative party to support Theresa May's Brexit plan

Ruth Davidson has called for a ''period of silence'' among her Conservative colleagues to allow the Prime Minister to get a Brexit deal ''over the line''.

The Scottish Tory leader said the two years following the EU referendum had given enough time for debate and urged others to give their support to Theresa May.

Her comments follow Boris Johnson's description of the Chequers proposals as ''deranged and entirely preposterous''.

Speaking on the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland, Ms Davidson said: ''There's been time over the last two years for debate.

The former foreign secretary was in one of the great offices of state during the time that much of this plan was being constructed - and praised it as soon ago as last year.

Now is the time for Conservatives to get behind the Prime Minister, give her the space to get the deal done and to back her to deliver for the country.

In terms of a period of silence, I would be very welcoming of one.''