City Council in free Rolls-Royce row

The £231k Ghost model was given by an anonymous donor

Published 7th Jun 2018

Environmental groups and an MP are laying into Glasgow City Council for for accepting an anonymous donation of a Rolls-Royce for use as the Lord Provost's car.

Glasgow City Council said the Ghost, which sells for £231,000 will replace one of the council's Volkswagen Phaetons that was due to have its lease renewed and expects the move will save the city money.

The car, which bears the council's unique 'G0' number-plate, will be used by the Lord Provost and other city representatives for appropriate civic duties as well as VIPs requiring transportation.

It comes as the council prepares to increase nursery fees by 57%, sparking outrage among affected parents.

Labour MP Paul Sweeney suggested in a tweet that the car should be auctioned to offset such costs.

Emilia Hanna from Friends of the Earth Scotland told Clyde News the local authority should think again: "Glasgow still has illegal levels of air pollution which are causing ill-health and early death and we know that fossil-fuel vehicles are the reason why. So to have a Rolls-Royce as the official vehicle of choice seems to be problematic.

"There are so many great electric vehicles out there on the market that the council could consider for official events, so to rely on a fossil-fuel powered vehicle in this day and age just doesn't seem appropriate."

A Glasgow City Council spokesman said its chief executive had carried out checks on the donation and found no conflict of interest.

He said: "It's important to remember this is a donation which has not cost the council anything and in fact will save money.

"It would clearly not be appropriate to buy a car such as this but having received it as a donation there will be occasions when it is appropriate to use it.''

He added: "When the donation was offered, it was made clear the donor wished to remain anonymous.

"The chief executive of the council personally carried out a diligence exercise; looking into the donation and donor.

"She was of the view that there was no conflict and that it was to the city's benefit to accept the gift. On that basis, she was content to agree to the donor's request for anonymity.''

Local councillors also voiced their concerns on twitter.

Conservative councillor Thomas Kerr called for transparency about the donatation:

Receiving the car on Tuesday, Lord Provost Eva Bolander said: "On behalf of the city, I'd like to thank the donor for their civic generosity and philanthropy.

"I want Glasgow to show its best face to the world and this gift will help us do that. It's a show-stopping car and a tremendous asset.