Robber Who Messaged Mother His Confession Jailed

Published 13th Aug 2015

A thug who was caught after sending a message to his mother saying: Robbed the has been jailed for 6 years and four months.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that 44-year-old Robert Faulds sent the Whatsapp three hours after raiding Burns Pharmacy in Dalmarnock Road, Glasgow, on February 18.

He admitted carrying out the robbery along with an unidentified man who was brandishing a baseball bat.

The court heard that Faulds' mother texted back: U will end up getting caught and Faulds replied: Maw, we were well ballied up, lol. Am gne to the jail anyway so wots the diff lol.

Faulds and the unidentified male went into the chemists at 3pm wearing balaclavas, scarves and gloves.

They demanded drugs. The man with the baseball bat hit one of the two woman assistants on the left hand during the robbery.

The raiders left with a haul of temazepam and diazepam and dihydrocodienne tablets.

Advocate depute Lynsey Rodger, prosecuting, said that when police searched Faulds home they found packets of the drugs.

Defence counsel Tony Graham, representing Faulds, said that he led a chaotic lifestyle.

Judge John Morris QC told Faulds that, but for his guilty plea, he would have jailed him for seven years.

Judge Morris added: This would have been a terrifying incident for these two ladies. You didn't give a thought to them.