Rise in web-cam predators extorting victims in Lanarkshire

Police in Lanarkshire are warning web-users of the dangers from online sexual predators.

Published 26th Aug 2016

Police in Lanarkshire are warning web-users of the dangers from online sexual predators.

It is after new figures reveal that officers are receiving weekly reports of web-cam extortion.

Although the internet presents unparalleled opportunities for global entertainment, education and engagement, it is also being used by sexual predators to cultivate online relationships, the purpose of which has a far darker motive.

Officers in Lanarkshire have recorded a small rise in the number of adults being targeted with webcam extortion.

This type of crime can take many forms with the common element being that someone obtains explicit images of another person, and then threatens to distribute them unless the victim pays a substantial sum of money, or supplies increasingly graphic images.

This type of crime can affect anyone.

Between April and July 2016, Lanarkshire Division received 14 reports of incidents, compared to 12 incidents between December 2015 and March 2016.

The victims were men and women aged between 16 and 56 years of age. Most of these cases following the same theme:

  • Acceptance of a Facebook friend request from a complete stranger - Communication over hours, days or even weeks to build a relationship and obtain private information on friends, family and colleagues of the victims. - Agreement was made to enter into a video chat, usually via Facebook or Skype. - Both parties engage in sexual activity, shared with each other via webcam, whilst one party records the other taking part, without the victim knowing. - A demand is then made for money or more explicit images in exchange for not sending the recording to the victim’s family, friends or work colleagues.

Local Safer Communities officers work continually to highlight the dangers people can face online, including webcam extortion.

They work with a range of partners including the National Crime Agency, CEOP, UK Safer Internet Safety and local councils to deliver a preventative, interactive and educational campaign that protects children and young people from the online dangers of child sexual exploitation, cyberbullying and radicalisation.

Inspector Andy Thomson, based at Mother well Police Office has issued the following advice:

"Always remember that you are in control of what you say and do online.

"Be suspicious of friend requests from strangers and make sure your private information stays private.

"You have the power to end the communication at any time, so never feel pressured into doing something that you may regret in the future.

"If you do become the unwitting victim of webcam extortion – do not pay and do not communication further. Take screen shots of the other person and any conversation and report it to the social media provider, deactivate (but don’t delete) your account, and then report it to the police. We will help you."