Retired priest from Largs accused of historical sex abuse

Francis Moore denies the allegations between 1977 and 1981.

Published 12th May 2017
Last updated 12th May 2017

A retired priest from Largs is to stand trial accused of historical sex abuse.

Francis Moore faced the allegations during a hearing at the High Court in Glasgow on Friday 12th May.

One boy is said to have been attacked at a primary school in North Ayrshire while a second was allegedly abused at a leisure centre.

It is claimed a third boy was a victim at Irvine Beach in North Ayrshire.

The offences allegedly occurred between 1977 and 1981.

The trio are said to have been aged from five to 13 at the time.

81 year old Moore is further accused of indecently assaulting a student priest and a separate breach of the peace allegation between 1995 and 1996.

Marco Guarino, defending, pleaded not guilty on Moore's behalf to the seven charges.

Judge Lady Scott set a trial due to take place in December.