Rescuers mistake fox cub for puppy

Good Samaritans are foxed by a cute cub lying at the side of a road near Hamilton

Fox cubs have short, black fur until they are four weeks old and begin to moult into the more familiar reddish colour. During this period the face also starts to change into a more traditional fox shape.
Published 15th Mar 2017

The cub, now named Husky, was found by concerned rescuers at the side of a road and taken to the Julie Innes veterinary surgery in Hamilton.

The one-week-old Husky is now being cared for at the Scottish SPCA's national wildlife rescue centre in Fishcross Clackmannanshire.

Animal rescue officer Sian Robertson took the young cub into the rescue centre after a nurse at the surgery became suspicious while feeding the tiny animal. Sian said:

"When I arrived, I took one look at the little fluffy animal and knew she was a fox cub - and a very cute one at that!

The cub was taken to a vet surgery in Hamilton after rescuers thought she was an abandoned puppy

"The nurse had already wrapped her up, so I took her up to our wildlife centre where she will be hand-reared with minimal human contact.

"Husky will then be introduced to other fox cubs and will be released during summer in a carefully-selected site with the land owner's permission.''