Renfrewshire councillor suspended over anti - semitism claims

Terry Kelly, who sits on Renfrewshire Council, have been suspended ``pending an investigation''.

Published 4th May 2016

A Renfrewshire councillor's been suspended over allegations of anti-Semitism.

Terry Kelly and Miqdad Al-Nuaimi, a councillor in Newport, south Wales have been suspended pending an investigation'', a spokesman said.

The move came as the party's candidate for London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, apologised for referring to moderate Labour councillors as Uncle Toms''.

Speaking to ITV London News, Mr Khan acknowledged that the comment, made in a television interview in 2009, had been an offensive racial slur.

He said: It is, and I regret using that phrase.The context was me trying to encourage everyone to get involved in government consultations.

I was a minister at the time. It was wrong and I regret it.''

David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn have exchanged verbal blows in a furious House of Commons spat over anti-Semitism, as the Prime Minister demanded that the Labour leader withdraw a previous description of Hamas and Hezbollah as friends''.

Mr Corbyn insisted that I absolutely do not approve of those organisations'' and said that Mr Cameron should follow his lead in launching an inquiry into racism within his own party.

In exchanges on the eve of crucial elections taking place across the UK, Mr Corbyn accused the campaign of Conservative candidate for London mayor Zac Goldsmith of systematically smearing'' his Labour rival Sadiq Khan.

The clash came as two more Labour councillors were suspended over allegations of anti-Semitism.

Miqdad Al-Nuaimi, a councillor in Newport, South Wales, and Terry Kelly, who sits on Renfrewshire Council, have been suspended pending an investigation'', a Labour spokesman said.