Renfrew man jailed for raping teen

A Renfrew man has been jailed after being convicted of raping a teenage girl at a house party nine years ago. Ramsay Morris attacked the 15 year-old - who cannot be named - in 2010.

Published 23rd Sep 2019

A Renfrew man has been jailed after being convicted of raping a teenage girl at a house party nine years ago. Ramsay Morris attacked the 15 year-old - who cannot be named - in 2010.

The 26 year-old was also found guilty of attempting to rape another woman and sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl in 2011.

The High Court in Glasgow heard the 26 year-old initially "pressured" the girl to kiss him.

In his closing speech, prosecutor Michael Meehan told jurors: "There was no one in the house at the time.

"He stated that he wanted 'five minutes of fun'. He then unbuttoned his trousers and the girl said no."

Morris also said to his young victim: "Have you never done this before? Well, you have now."

The barman, also of Renfrew, sobbed after he was convicted following a trial.

As he was lead handcuffed to the cells, Morris moaned: "Why? I did not do anything."

He was remanded in custody pending sentencing next month.

After the rape, Morris attacked a 14 year-old girl at the same house in Renfrew.

She had initially agreed to watch a film with Morris.

But, the teenager eventually fled and had to be picked up by her mum.

Morris then tried to rape a woman at a house in King's Park, Glasgow later in 2011.

He struck after she bent down to pick up a phone.

Jurors heard he forced his hand in her mouth to "stop her moaning".

Judge Michael O'Grady QC deferred sentencing for reports.

Morris was remanded in custody meantime.